Beeper Behavior
Command Method
Beeper Disabled
Beeper Enabled
On Tap - Beep
Off Tap - Beep
Fast-On Double-Tap - Beep
Fast-Off Double-Tap - Beep
Begin Bright Press & hold - Beep
Begin Dim Press & hold - Beep
Setup Action Beeper
Enter Setup Mode, Transition to next setup mode or Exit
Setup Mode
Setup successful, return to Ready Mode Beep-Beep
Return to Ready Mode after a longer than 3 minute time-
3 Second ((((((((Beep))))))))))
Failure to add a scene responder 3 Second ((((((((Beep))))))))))
Exiting Stuck Button 3 Second ((((((((Beep))))))))))
LED Behavior during Setup
RemoteLinc 2 has a two-color LED (Green & Red) which displays helpful information.
LED State Meaning
Add Responder Setup Mode, or Blinking Green slowly
LED on/off Setup Mode
Blinking Red slowly Remove Responder Setup Mode
Multi-Add Responder Setup Mode, or Double-Blinking Green slowly
Beeper on/off Setup Mode
Multi-Remove Responder Setup Mode, or Double-Blinking Red slowly
Keypad Configuration Setup Mode
Factory Reset
The factory reset procedure clears all settings from RemoteLinc 2 including INSTEON scenes.
1) If possible, unlink (remove) all scene responders prior to performing factory reset
2) Turn RemoteLinc 2 off (slide power switch to left)
3) Press & Hold Set Button
4) While continuing to hold the Set Button, turn RemoteLinc 2 back on (slide power switch to the right)
RemoteLinc 2 will (Beep) & LED stays solid GREEN
RemoteLinc 2 will long (Beep)
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