
202 The XML Files: Development of XML/XSL Applications Using WebSphere Studio
Generating the DADX
Copy passengerList.DTD and passengerList.DAD files from Airline project into
the TravelGroup folder in Travel project.
Now we are going to create the DADX file:
1. Switch to resource perspective if necessary.
2. Select TravelGroup folder, click
3. In the New window, create a DADX file from the Web Services category click
4. Since we are not using a query we can skip the Select SQL statements by
5. Add passengerList.dad file from the TravelGroup folders and click Next.
6. It is not mandatory but, we can change the name of the retrieve and store
operations. Enter passengerList.dadx as the name of the file, and modify the
name of the store and retrieve operations to store_passengerList_rdb, and
retrieve_passengerList_rdb, respectively as shown in Figure 9-18.
Tip: Since the group.properties file may contain a user ID and password, it
should be stored in a secure file system to prevent unauthorized access. In
addition, the password can be stored in an encoded format to add further
security. The encoding makes the password look like a long, random string of
characters that are hard to memorize. This precaution prevents the password
from being exposed to coworkers who might be looking over your shoulder
while you edit the file. However, encoding is no substitute for proper file
access control since the encoded password can be easily decoded.