180 The XML Files: Development of XML/XSL Applications Using WebSphere Studio
2. Set the project name as Airline.
3. Click
Finish to complete creating the project.
9.1.3 Create the Travel Web project
To create a Web project from the workbench take this steps:
1. Select
and create a Web Project from the Web
2. Enter the project name and choose J2EE Web Application Project, click
3. In J2EE Settings Page create a new Enterprise Application Project and enter
Traveler as the project name.
4. Click
Next and then click Finish to accept defaults. (See Figure 9-3.)
Figure 9-3 Travel Project
9.1.4 Design the XML Schema
We designed the output message format using XML Schema editor. Basically we
need some description of the contents of the passenger list of a flight. To keep it
simple we are going to design this content as shown in Figure 9-4. Customer
element contains name and frequent flyer membership to describe it. Flight
element contains flight number and departure time attributes and customer
element as a child. A flight can contain multiple customers.
To do this take this steps:
1. Select
Airline project.
2. Select
File—>New—>XML Schema.
3. Set schema name as passengerList.xsd.