CRC (cyclic redundancy check)
An error detection scheme used by the probe to ensure that packets received by
the probe have not been corrupted during transmission from the source node.
CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection)
The network access-control mechanism that is based on collisions and utilized by
Ethernet networks. On contention-based networks, like Ethernet networks, each
station must detect an idle network prior to transmitting. If more than one station
transmits simultaneously, a collision occurs, all stations are notified, and the
colliding stations try retransmitting after waiting a random amount of time.
Default Gateway Address
The address of the gateway which is closest to the probe.
Dynamic Random Access Memory, which is the main memory of LanProbe.
A LAN developed by Xerox Corp., Digital Equipment Corp., and Intel Corp. It
uses the CSMA/CD method of access and transmits at 10 Mbit/s on a bus
topology. The IEEE 802.3 standard evolved from Ethernet, but they are not
exactly the same. Network devices based on both standards can co-exist on the
same medium, but they cannot exchange data directly without special,
“bilingual”, software that can decode packets of both types.
Extended LAN
A network consisting of two or more LANs that are connected by bridges, routers,
or other similar devices. Resources on the LANs can be accessed by users on any
of the LANs. See also LAN.
EPROM that can be erased and reprogrammed while installed in a circuit.
A dedicated computer that is used to route frames from one dissimilar network to