Download New Firmware
Downloading Firmware using an HP-UX Workstation and a Terminal
Download Firmware to LanProbe
Once the new firmware is installed on the HP-UX workstation, you can download
it to LanProbe.
Verify the following before you start the download procedure:
LanProbe is connected to the network.
The IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway of LanProbe are
configured correctly.
A terminal (or a PC running terminal emulator software) is attached to the
probe’s RS-232 port (using a null modem cable). Configure the
communication link for 8 bits per character, 1 stop bit, no parity, Xon/Xoff
handshaking, and a baud rate of 9600.
You will also need the IP address of the HP-UX workstation.
Use the following procedure to download firmware to your LanProbe from the
HP-UX workstation using a terminal:
LanProbe executes a cold start if you press the CONFIG button twice within one
second. If this happens, wait for the cold start to be completed (about 45 seconds)
and then press the CONFIG button again to re-enter the configuration mode.
1. Press the CONFIG button on the back of LanProbe once. The LanProbe’s
Main Menu, as shown in Figure 6-19 on page 82, is displayed on the
The LanProbe CONFIG button is recessed. This requires the use of a narrow,
pointed object (like a pen) to press the CONFIG button.
A warm start or cold start is completed when the Fault LED goes off. If traffic is
present, the Activity LED flashes to show traffic.