Logosol offers a great range of extensions, special tools and other accessories for the M7 Wood
Workers Mill. Simple extensions can be bought in 0.5 lengths (1.6 ft). It is also possible to extend the
Wood Workers mill to the M7Logosol Sawmill.
The product catalog is available at no cost. Just order it.
Cutting equipment Part number
Guide bar - 16” (40 cm), 1.3 picco 3003-000-6313
Ripping chain for guide bar above, 60 DL 3961-000-0060
Guide bar - 25” (63 cm), 1.3 picco 3003-000-5531
Ripping chain for guide bar above, 84 DL 3961-000-0084
To Stihl 064 / 066:
Chain drive sprocket, picco 1122-640-2006
To E 5000:
Star drive, picco 1207-642-1310
Filing equipment
File block to hold the chain steady while filing 9999-000-0620
Pferd file gauge, files cutter and drive link together 9999-000-0400
4 mm round file for Pferd file gauge 9999-000-0401
End extension 0.5 m (1.6 ft) 4510-720-6602
M7 Sawmill upgade kit (9 ft) 4517-000-1020
Measuring rod to check saw height setting 4507-001-1300
Board shoe to fasten a 2x5” in the knee joint 4507-001-1304
Log steps to load logs over 20” (50 cm), 2 items 4507-001-1302
Edge support with spring-loaded arm 4507-001-1025
Loading ramp to simplify control of saw on an M7 9999-000-0920
Accessory for rounding logs, saws 16 sides 9999-000-1100
Adjustable log support, a universal tool 4510-720-6202
Log roller, to move logs sideways 9999-000-1420
Hearing protection with face shield 0000-884-0503
Stainless steel knife, Logosol 9922-140-0000
Folding rule 2 m, Logosol 9922-130-0000
Cap, Logosol 9922-120-0000
Electrical sawing unit
E 5000, high capacity 3-phase saw, incl. support leg 9999-011-0003
Feed for E 5000, stepless in both directions 6600-000-1000
Electrical log molder, 3-phase 7600-000-0230
Logosol SH230 planer, size and profile planing 7200-000-0230
Logosol PH 260 4-side planer moulder 7502-000-0260