Dolphin® 7900 Series Mobile Computer User’s Guide 2 - 9
Step 7. Set the Time Zone
Use the drop-down list to select your time zone, and tap Next. This does not necessarily set the correct time; only the time zone.
You set the time and date manually. For details,
see Setting the Time and Date on page 2-9. After setting the time zone, you are
finished with the initial setup. The system begins autoinstalling.
Step 8. Let Autoinstall Run
For each program that loads, a status bar indicates that the program is loading. Autoinstall occurs after each hard reset. Do NOT
touch the keyboard or the screen while programs are loading.
All configurations of the Dolphin 7900 terminal install Demos and Utilities. If the terminal is configured with a wireless radio, the
appropriate radio drivers and utilities for each radio install.
After Autoinstall is complete, the terminal performs a soft reset automatically. When it finishes booting up after the soft reset, the
Today screen appears;
see Today Screen on page 4-2.
Step 9. Setting the Time and Date
You need to re-set the time and date after every hard reset of the terminal. It is a good idea to set the time and date now before
you begin using the device.
On the Today screen, tap the line that displays the time and date,