Dolphin® 7900 Series Mobile Computer User’s Guide 9 - 31
WPA Settings Tab
The WPA Settings tab enables you to configure WPA settings.
The event log is an ASCII text file named “LOG8021X.TXT” located in the directory defined by the WINDIR environment variable
(usually the Windows directory). The information the log records is determined by the log settings on the System tab of the Client
Configuration Area;
see System Tab on page 9-24.
The format of the entries is
Time Stamp Message Text
The Refresh button at the bottom of the screen is used to update the log file while you are reading it. If the file gets too large, old
entries are automatically deleted.
Field Description
WPA Mode
This drop-down list contains the following options:
• Disabled - Do not enable WPA mode. This is the default selection.
• WPA 802.1x - Enable WPA and obtain key information through the 802.1x protocol.
• WPA PSK - Enable WPA with Pre-Shared Key (PSK) information entered in the field below.
This mode is used if the 802.1x protocol is not being used for authentication.
PSK pass-phrase
This field activates if you select WPA PSK in the WPA Mode drop-down list.
Enter between 8 and 63 characters for your pass phrase. Asterisks appear as you type for
increased security.