
95-7769—01 60
FCU Equipment Control
Define the main control features of controller outputs.
Configuration can be performed with the wizard Off-line or
1. Click the Equipment Control button on the left pane to
open the Equipment Control Configuration page.
2. Enter information into available fields.
3. Click Commit to save the settings or Reset to revert to
the last saved settings.
4. Click Next to display the Fan Configuration page or
Back to display the Inputs Configuration page.
FCU Equipment Control fields
Table 34 lists the FCU Equipment Control fields and
Digital Input
This selection is used for movement detector configuration where a closed contact indicates movement.
Movement detector is the same as occupancy sensor, but with an additional Hold Time of 15 minutes. This
adds a delay to the occupancy signal such that the space is considered occupied until 15 minutes has
elapsed since the last movement is detected.
No Movement
This selection is used for movement detector configuration where a closed contact indicates no movement.
Movement detector is the same as occupancy sensor, but with an additional Hold Time of 15 minutes. This
adds a delay to the occupancy signal such that the space is considered occupied until 15 minutes has
elapsed since the last movement is detected.
Not Used
This setting indicates that the digital input is not used. Use this setting if nothing is connected to the controller
to ensure that spurious signals do not cause the controller to operate incorrectly. The status of this digital
input is reported to the network for use as a free digital input if required. It has no effect on the control
Table 33. FCU Inputs Fields. (Continued)
Name Definition
Table 34. FCU Equipment Control Options.
Name Definitions
Defines the operating characteristics of the two valve actuator outputs.
Output 1 / Output 2
Define operation of output 1 and output 2 as configured in the Outputs page. The fields have the same meanings for
both outputs.
Fan Interlock
Normally used to protect electric heating coils controlled by Output 1 or Output 2. Without this protection, heating coils
can overheat. This option can also prevent ice-up or condensation build-up on cooling or compressor coils.
The fan always turns on for the run-up time before turning on the control output, to ensure air is flowing over the electric
heating coil before turning on the electric coil. The fan continues to run after the electric coil is turned off, for the post-run
time, to ensure the electric coil is cooled down before the fan turns off.
Similarly, for cooling coil condensation protection, the fan re-run and post-run times are observed.
Additionally, if the digital input is configured for fan fail detection, and the fan does not operate within the defined run-up
time, then the control output is not turned on. This action also occurs if the fan fails during normal operation.
There is no interlock between fan operation and the control outputs.
Valve Direction
Define the operating direction of the valves for actuator types Floating, PWM, and Thermal.
To open, the valve is modulated from 0% to 100%.
To open, the valve is modulated from 100% to 0%.