
95-7769—01 106
This appendix provides a table for the points detail and a table
for the application of points of the following controllers and
W7763C/D/E Chilled Ceiling Controller (CHC) .. page 106
Constant Volume Air Handling Unit Controller
(CVAHU) ..............................................................page 114
Fan Coil Unit Controller (FCU) ........................... page 122
Hydronic Controller (HYD) ................................. page 129
Excel 10 Remote Input/Output Device (RIO) ..... page 136
Vacon NX Frequency Converter (NXVFD) ......... page 138
T7350 Thermostat (T7350) ................................ page 138
Unit Ventilator (UV) ............................................ page 138
Excel 10 VAV II Controller (VAV II) ...................... page 145
XL15C Plant Controller (XL15C)......................... page 155
W7763C/D/E Chilled Ceiling
Controller (CHC)
Table 74 provides the CHC points detail and Table 75 on
page 107 provides the CHC application of points.
Table 74. CHC Point Details.
Point Name Network Variable Field Name Point Type
Occupied Cool nciSetPnts occupiedCool NumericWritable
Standby Cool nciSetPnts standbyCool NumericWritable
Unoccupied Cool nciSetPnts unoccupiedCool NumericWritable
Occupied Heat nciSetPnts occupiedHeat NumericWritable
Standby Heat nciSetPnts standbyHeat NumericWritable
Unoccupied Heat nciSetPnts unoccupiedHeat NumericWritable
Current State nviTodEvent currentState EnumWritable
Next State nviTodEvent nextState EnumWritable
Time To Next State nviTodEvent timeToNextState NumericWritable
DLC Shed nviDlcShed DlcShed EnumWritable
Out Of Limits nvoStatus outOfLimits BooleanPoint
Open Circuit nvoStatus openCircuit BooleanPoint
Out Of Service nvoStatus outOfService BooleanPoint
Mechanical Fault nvoStatus mechanicalFault BooleanPoint
Feedback Failure nvoStatus feedbackFailure BooleanPoint
Over Range nvoStatus overRange BooleanPoint
Under Range nvoStatus underRange BooleanPoint
Electrical Fault nvoStatus electricalFault BooleanPoint
Unable To Measure nvoStatus unableToMeasure BooleanPoint
Command Failure nvoStatus commFailure BooleanPoint
Self Test Failed nvoStatus failSelfTest BooleanPoint
Application Mode nviApplicMode hvacMode EnumWritable
Fan Speed nviFanSpeedCmd SNVTSwitch
Manual Mode nviRequest objectRequest EnumWritable
Manual Occupancy nviManOccCmd occupancy EnumWritable
Temporary Setpoint nviSetPoint tempP NumericWritable
Effective Setpoint nvoChcStatus activeSetPt NumericPoint
Alarm Type nvoChcStatus alarmType EnumPoint