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Unlinking the Scanner
If a base has a scanner linked to it, that scanner must be unlinked before a new scanner can be linked. Once the previous scan-
ner is unlinked, it will no longer communicate with the base. To unlink the scanner from a base, scan the following Unlink Scan-
ner bar code.
Override Locked Scanner
If you need to replace a broken or lost scanner that is linked to a base, scan the following Override Locked Scanner bar code
with a new scanner and place that scanner in the base. The locked link will be overridden, the broken or lost scanner’s link with
the base will be removed, and the new scanner will be linked.
Out-of-Range Alarm
If your scanner is out range of the base, an alarm sounds from the scanner. The alarm stops when the scanner is moved closer
to the base, when the base connects to another scanner, or when the alarm duration expires.
Note: If you are out of range when you scan a bar code, you will receive an error tone even if you do not have the alarm set.
You receive the error tone since the data could not be communicated to the base or the host.
Alarm Sound Type
Set the alarm type for the scanner by scanning the following appropriate bar code. If the alarm is on, the scanner will emit
3 long, high pitched beeps. Default = Alarm On.
Alarm Duration
To set the the length of time you want the Out-of-Range alarm to sound, scan the following bar code and then set the time-
out duration (from 0-3000 seconds) by scanning digits on the Programming Chart inside the back cover, then scanning
Save. Default = 1 sec.
Scanner Power Time-Out Timer
Note: Scanner Power Time-out Timer only applies to cordless systems. It does not apply to corded scanners.
Override Locked Scanner
(Single Scanner)