7 - 16
Check Digit Validation
When Check Character is set to Validate and Transmit, the scanner will only read Code 11 bar codes printed with the
specified type check character(s), and will transmit the character(s) at the end of the scanned data.
Code 11 Redundancy
If you are encountering errors when reading Code 11 bar codes, you may want to adjust the redundancy count. Redun-
dancy adjusts the number of times a bar code is decoded before transmission, which may reduce the number of errors.
Note that the higher the redundancy count, the longer it will take to decode the bar code. To adjust the redundancy, scan
the Code 11 Redundancy bar code below, then scan a redundancy count between 0 and 10 on the Programming Chart
inside the back cover of this manual. Then scan the Save bar code. Default = 0.
Code 11 Message Length
Scan the bar codes below to change the message length. Refer to Message Length Description (page 7-1) for additional
information. Minimum and Maximum lengths = 1-80. Minimum Default = 3, Maximum Default = 80.
Validate and Transmit One
Check Digit
Validate and Transmit Two
Check Digits
Validate and Transmit Auto
Select Check Digits