
ISympt0m,, CheckPoint&Correction I
Iis[l'hedischarged'_indicationintheelectronicviewfinderflashesto indicatebatterybattery.
_ower is not turned on and no
_utton operations are accepted.
Check Point & Correction
Remove the power source, and after about one minute push the reset switch
gently using a toothpick, etc. until you feel a click. Since this erases the date,
time and
other customer preferred features, reset them again.
Behind the jack cover)
'PLAY" cannot be engaged.
_1opicture appears on television
screen when "PLAY" is pressed.
TV is connected to the camcorder
_y using RF converter unit.)
nterference on playback picture.
=icture bends at the top of TV
3olor of your TV screen is too
_right, too faint or change
3heck Point & Correction
Set "CAM/OFFNIDEO" to "VIDEO" position
Set the television to the camcorder channel (3 or 4) depending upon the
selected channel on the RF channel select switch of RF converter unit
Adjust the tracking using "TRACKING" control (power zoom switch).
When you see the playback picture on your TV, adjust fine tuning knob on
:elevision set to obtain best picture.
The pre-recorded tape is EP or LP recording. This camcorder is for use in
SP recording only.
"iV receiver is of older type it needs to be modified to work properly with
Tape is damaged. Try another cassette.
iV set has VIR circuit. Turn it off during playback.
if dust or foreign matter adheres inside the viewfinder, clean it by using the following procedure
1. Rotate and remove eye cup
2. Clean the picture tube face and lens.
To prevent scratching, use a soft non abrasive cloth, swab or lens cleaning paper.