
Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
- Alternate Track per Logical Unit
- Sector per Track
- Track Skew Factor
- Cylinder Skew Factor
Starting Boundary contains the first physical location of the active notch. The first three bytes are the cylinder number
and the last byte is the head. The value sent in this field is ignored.
Ending Boundary contains the last physical location of the active notch. The first three bytes are the cylinder number
and the last byte is the head. The value sent in this field is ignored.
Pages Notched is a bit map of the mode page codes that indicates which pages contain parameters that may be different
for different notches. The most significant bit of this field corresponds to page code 3Fh and the least significant bit
corresponds to page code 00h. If a bit is one, then the corresponding mode page contains parameters that may be dif-
ferent for different notches. If a bit is zero, then the corresponding mode page contains parameters that are constant
for all notches.