
Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
• 1 0
• 1 1 Worst
The Preference field is ignored.
The Document Identifier field specifies which Profile or Standard is associated with each Capability Entry. Valid Document
Identifiers are listed in Table 66. If the Vendor Unique Flag is set to a value other than 00h, then the Document Identifier spec-
ifies a vendor unique capability.
Table 66: Document Identifiers
The Low Revision field defines the lowest revision of the specified document supported. The field represents a decimal revi-
sion number between 0.0 and 25.5.
The High Revision field defines the highest revision of the specified document supported. The field represents a decimal revi-
sion number between 0.0 and 25.5.
The Extension Length field is a two byte unsigned integer that specifies the number of additional bytes present in the Capa-
bility Entry. This number includes itself, the preceding reserved field, and the length of Extension Field.
Profile or standard name Identifier Supported
Reserved 00h N
FC-LE 01h N
FC-SB 02h N
IPI-3 03h N
FC-FP 05h N
Reserved 06h-0Fh N
FC-GS 10h N
FC-FG 11h N
FC-SW 12h N
FC-AL 13h Y
Reserved 14h-1Fh N
IBM/HP/Ancor FC-PH 4.2 Deviations 20h N
FCSI Mixed Mode SCSI Profile 21h N
FCSI Class 2 SCSI Profile 22h N
FCSI IP Profile 23h N
FCSI IP Class 2 Profile 24h N
FC-PLDA – Private Loop Direct Attach 25h Y
FLA Fabric Loop Attach Profile 26h Y
FCA IP Profile 27h N
Reserved 28h-FFh N