
Solving Basic Problems
If the Windows for Workgroups Setup fails due to a problem with the
display driver
Specify VGA for the display driver.
If the OmniBook doesn’t turn on with a fresh battery
If you replaced the battery after the OmniBook turned off due to a low battery,
either plug in the ac adapter—or turn off the OmniBook, then hold
F4 and press
the On/Off key (
F4+ON) to turn it on.
If your password doesn’t work
Check whether Num Lock (Nm Lk) is off. Try changing it.
If you’ve forgotten your password, have your OmniBook at hand and call
Hewlett-Packard at the phone number in the Service and Support booklet.
If the OmniBook beeps repeatedly
If two beeps occur every 10 seconds or so, battery power is critically low and
less than 2 minutes of operation remain. Plug in the ac adapter—or turn off the
OmniBook and insert a fresh battery (see chapter 1).
If the screen is difficult to read
Try adjusting the display—press the and buttons above the keyboard.
If the OmniBook is cold, allow it to warm up.
Set the display resolution to its original setting: 800×600 (SVGA) and 256 colors,
or set the lowest available setting. For Windows for Workgroups, use Display in
OmniBook Tools. For Windows 95, use the Settings tab under Display in the
Control Panel (under HP User Tools or under Settings).
If an external display won't turn on
If the external display is unrecognized by the OmniBook, the computer will not
send it video signals. However, you can force the computer to send these
signals anyway. Open the OmniBook External Devices screen (Start, Settings,
Control Panel, then OmniBook External Devices). Check the box that reads
“Force video signal to external display”.