
Valid Keystrokes Action
n/a The Audio test ignores the keyboard.
Failure Message Error Code Meaning
User Aborted 1 User aborted test.
Failed 3 A sound chip configuration call
Microphone - (MIKE.EXE)
Within the user interface of DIAG, the Microphone test records for a short time and then plays
back what was recorded (similar to the “Rec” parameter).
DOS Parameter Explanation
Rec Record and play back what was recorded
On Turns the microphone on
Off Turns the microphone off
Gainon Sets the gain bit in the sound chip
Gainoff Clears the gain bit in the sound chip
Squeal Turns the microphone on, sets the gain bit,
turns the volume all the way up (so it
squeals), waits for a key press, then turns off
the gain bit and the microphone.
Vol n Sets the microphone volume where n = 1 to
31 (31 being loudest)
Valid Keystrokes Action
n/a The Microphone test ignores the keyboard.
Any keys pressed will be executed when the
test finishes.
Failure Message Error Code Meaning
1 Parameter error
Joystick - (JOYSTICK.EXE)
This test requires a joystick and port adapter F1181A.
The Joystick test prompts to press joystick buttons and to move the pointer to various positions.
DOS Parameter Explanation