HP NetRAID-4M Cluster Services Installation Guide Cluster Software Components and Quorum
7. Leave the options Attached and Re-initialize disk selected.
NOTE The Attached check box allows you to specify whether or not the diskset is
attached immediately after it is created (thereby making container information on
the member disks accessible to the controller).
Re-initialize disks check box allows you to specify whether existing container
information is to be removed from the disks being used to create the diskset
Spare set creates a diskset of hot spares that can later be assigned as global or
dedicated hot spares to NetRAID-4M containers (logical drives).
8. Click OK, then click the Close button to complete the drive selections.
Create Containers
9. Select the Container (Logical Drv) menu and click on the Creation Wizard option.
10. From the Diskset drop list, select the newly created diskset (e.g.: QuorumDiskSet).
11. To create a RAID-5 set for the quorum drive, from the Type to create pulldown menu
select RAID-5 set.
NOTE Please refer to the HP NetServer Cluster Configuration Guide for a complete
listing of supported configurations.
12. Click the Force in Dest check boxes.
NOTE All of the originally selected non-member disks are considered for inclusion in the
destination container; but, only those disks with an X in the right-hand In Dest
column are actually included in the destination container. Disks whose Force in
Dest check boxes are checked are forced to be included in the container.
Force in Dest is particularly useful when reconfiguring containers when, for
example, a rebuild to a hot spare has occurred and the administrator wishes to
move the array back to the original drive positions after the bad drive has been
Force channel optimization when checked, attempts to place disks in the
container on alternating physical SCSI channels, to maximize performance.
13. In the Size options area, select Use all of … and then click Create, then OK.
14. Read the Write Cache message: