HP NetRAID-4M Cluster Services Installation Guide Cluster Software Components and Quorum
3.4 Configure the Cluster Shared Quorum
Using the NetRAID-4M FAST Utility
1. On Server A, from the Windows 2000 Start button start the NetRAID-4M FAST utility.
2. Verify that the Available Controllers window displays the local HP NetRAID-4M and click
3. Expand the Controller View window.
Create Disksets
NOTE A diskset cannot span disks across multiple controllers.
4. From the Disk (Physical Drv) menu, click on the Manage Disksets button.
5. To create a shared quorum drive on a RAID-5 set, select 3 or more Disk ID’s from the
Non-Member Disks listing, then click the Create Diskset …>> button.
NOTE HP recommends creating a fault-tolerant RAID type, such as RAID-5 for the
shared quorum drive. RAID-1 mirrors are NOT recommended for the shared
quorum when using the HP NetRAID-4M controller.
6. Enter a Diskset name from 1 to 32 characters. (Example: QuorumDiskSet)
NOTE Diskset names must be unique within the cluster.