
Example 5: Running
4-8 Getting Started with ADSP-BF548 EZ-KIT Lite
EZ-KIT Lite drive for later use. On the PC, navigate to example 5’s direc-
tory and drag the
BMP Files folder to the top level of the EZ-KIT Lite
drive, thus creating the E:\BMP Files directory if “E” is the letter that
Windows assigned to the EZ-KIT Lite drive.
It shouldn’t take long to copy the folder and its contents; when finished,
left-click the Safely Remove Hardware icon in the system tray area of
your Windows task bar and select Safely remove USB Mass Storage
Device - Drive (E:). (Choose the option with the appropriate drive letter
if there is more than one option.) When Windows indicates that the hard-
ware can be safely removed, unplug the cable and use VisualDSP++ to halt
example 5.
Figure 4-2. Windows My Computer Display