Example Scanning Using External Triggers
In the following example, the trigger input is applied to the HP
E1300A/E1301A Mainframe’s "Event In" port.
TRIG:SOUR EXT Sets trigger source to external.
SCAN (@100:115) Sets channel list.
INIT Starts scanning cycle.
trigger externally Advances scan to next channel.
Scanning Using Bus Triggers
TRIG:SOUR BUS Sets interface (bus) triggering.
SCAN (@100:115) Sets channel list.
INIT Starts scanning cycle.
*TRG Advances channel list.
:SOURce? TRIGger:SOURce? returns the current trigger source for the switchbox.
Command returns either
BUS, DBUS, EXT, HOLD, or IMM for trigger
BUS, DBUS, EXTernal, HOLD, or IMMediate, respectively.
Example Query Trigger Source
TRIG:SOUR EXT Sets trigger source to external.
TRIG:SOUR? Query trigger source; returns
Chapter 5 HP E1351A/53A 16-Channel FET Multiplexer Command Reference 75