Mainframe Address, 14
2-wire ohms measurements by scanning, 38
4-wire ohms measurements by scanning, 38
continuous scans, 39, 60
measurements, 34
multiple scans, 39
voltage measurements by scanning, 36 - 37
Manufacturer ID Register, 84, 86
Measurement Complete Port, 15
2-wire ohms, 38, 67
4-wire ohms, 35, 38, 67
direct terminal accuracy, 33
high-speed temperature, 44
making, 34
temperature using thermocouples, 43 - 44
thermocouple compensated, 44
voltage, 34, 36 - 37
resistance of a thermistor, 43
signals on closed channel, 12
temperature using thermocouples, 43 - 44
thermocouple temperature using multimeter, 43 - 44
Model Codes, 86
block diagram, 13
card numbers, 18 - 19, 30
configuring, 17 - 28
connecting multiple, 12
connecting to multimeter, 12, 26 - 27, 34, 42, 51
connector pin-out diagram, 22
description, 11
error messages, 99 - 100
error numbers, 99 - 100
front panel, 22
ID, 21
register-based programming, 81 - 98
registers within A16 address, 82
secondary address, 14
specifications, 79 - 80
terminal, 11
command and parameter opcodes, 96
connecting, 26 - 27
connecting to, 34, 42, 51
connecting to multiplexer, 12
connection points, 12
digital bus port, 15
handshake lines, 36
high-speed scanning, 93
measuring thermocouple temperature, 43 - 44
primary address, 14
scanning voltmeter, 42, 51
synchronize E1351A/53A to, 48 - 49
to mainframe connection, 38
modules, 18 - 19, 30
scans, 39
SCPI commands, linking, 55
Numeric Command Parameters, 55
Ohms Measurements, 35, 38
*OPC, 76
*OPC?, 76
Opcodes, multimeter, 96
channels, 64
tree isolation switches, 32 - 33
Opening Channels, 29
Operation Status Register, 52, 70
bit value, 70
setting bit 8, 70
command parameters, 55
commands, 54
OUTPut Subsystem, 62, 77
OUTPut[:STATe], 62, 91
OUTPut[:STATe]?, 62
Parameters, 55
Pin-out Diagram, 22
Polling, Status Register, 52
Primary Address, 14
Program Examples
2-wire ohms measurements by scanning, 38
4-wire ohms measurements by scanning, 38
configuration commands required, 14
making continuous scans, 39
making multiple scans, 39
scan complete monitoring, 52
scanning a switchbox, 40 - 41
scanning using "Trig Out" and "Event In" ports, 49
scanning using digital bus triggering, 50 - 51
scanning using external instruments, 66
scanning using scanning voltmeter, 51
scanning using stand-alone multimeter, 50
scanning with a multimeter, 42
scanning with a scan list, 41
scanning with external instruments, 48
scanning without a scan list, 40
verify initial operation, 16
104 HP E1351A/53A FET Multiplexer User’s Manual Index