About the DCS 645
Image LCD
The two-inch diagonal Image LCD on the DCS
645 can be used to review images and change
digital settings.
When a video monitor (page 140) is in use, the
Image LCD turns off. (Pressing the OK, Cancel,
or Menu buttons (page 50) restores the display to
the Image LCD and disables the external
How the Image LCD Works
The Image LCD is used for convenient evaluation
and review of images captured in the camera.
Occasionally, there are individual pixels in the
LCD which are either brighter or darker than the
scene depicted. These pixels, few in number, do
not affect the Image Quality of the captured
image. Furthermore, they do not affect the
evaluation of a scene, the exposure of the image,
color, or the control of the camera.You can view
images on the Image LCD in a variety of display
modes. You can also access options from the
Menu bar and from menus which drop down from
the Menu bar.
Display mode (page 108): Appears when you
turn on the Image LCD
Menu bar (page 46): Accessible from Display
Menus (page 47): Accessible from the Menu