Quick Check® SV Series User’s Guide 6 - 11
Sets the number of signal transitions to search for finding a bar code symbol
nn = values of 10 through 99. This indicates the number of high to low transitions
of the optical signal to search before ending a search for a bar code. High values
of nn are useful when complex graphic fields or small fonts are closely adjacent
to a bar code and therefore in the scan path. The higher the number, however,
the greater chance the analysis rate will be lowered. For normal situations with
minimum graphics in the same path as the bar code, a value of 10 is
recommended (~H#10.)
Label Setup Commands – L
A ‘~’ followed by an ‘L’ specifies a command from the Label Setup category. The
next character identifies the particular Label Setup Command. In general, the
commands in this category terminate with one or more numeric digits. The Label
Setup Commands are listed below.
Overall passing grade.
## is the numeric grade value – 00 through 40. Example ~LA32 causes an ISO
Overall Symbol Grade of 3.1 or lower to set a failure condition.
Minimum number of symbol characters to decode in an Interleaved 2 of 5 symbol.
This command sets the minimum number of symbol characters to be expected
(## in the command, 01-16) by the Interleaved 2 of 5 decoder. This adds extra
filtering in applications where I 2 of 5 symbols are used and there is a large
amount of other graphics, such as fonts in the scan path. Example: ~LC03 sets
the unit to decode I 2 of 5 symbols (assuming the I 2 of 5 decoder is enabled)
containing three or more symbol characters.
Note: Each I 2 of 5 symbol character contains two data digits, therefore the
symbol in the example must contain a minimum of six data digits to be
Passing percent decode.
This command sets the % decode threshold for a passing condition. If analyzing
poorly printed symbols, it is recommended that partial decodes be enabled at the
decoder level when this command is enabled.
xx = failure threshold. Example ~LD75: if 74 % or less of scans on a code were
not fully decoded, this sets a failure for this parameter.