
flexography: A method of direct rotary printing using resilient, raised image
printing plates, affixed to variable repeat plate cylinders, inked by a roll or
engraved metal roll that is wiped by a doctor blade, carrying fluid or paste-type
inks to virtually any substrate.
font: A set of characters of a specific style and size of graphic type. Also used
analogously to refer to the set of bar code symbol characters for a symbology in
on-demand printing equipment.
global threshold (GT): The reflectance value that discriminates bars from
spaces in a scan reflectance profile. The global threshold is established midway
between the maximum and minimum reflectance values in a scan reflectance
profile used for the initial identification of elements. The reflectance value is
determined by dividing the symbol contrast (SC) by 2 and adding the minimum
reflectance, R
. GT = R
+ (SC / 2)
gloss: A phenomenon related to the specular reflection of incident light. The
effect of gloss is to reflect more of the incident light in a specular manner, and to
scatter less. It occurs at all angles of incidence and should not be confused with
the grazing angle that is specular reflection often referred to as sheen.
good read: The result of a successful scan where the data decoded
corresponds exactly to that encoded in the optically read machine-readable
human readable character: The representation of machine-readable symbol
data characters or data check characters in a standard eye-readable alphabet or
numerals, as distinct from its machine-readable representation.
human-readable interpretation (HRI): The letters, digits or other characters
associated with the encoded message and printed along with the bar code or
two-dimensional symbol.
IEC: The International Electrotechnical Commission is an international standards
organization dealing with electrical, electronic and related technologies. Some of
its standards are developed jointly with ISO. IEC was founded in 1906, and
currently has 67 countries as members and 69 other countries participating in the
Affiliate Country Program., which is not a form of membership but is designed to
help industrializing countries get involved with the IEC. Originally located in
London, the commission moved to its current headquarters in Geneva in 1948.
infrared: The band of light wavelengths too long for response by a human eye.
This band is represented by waves between 750 and 4 million nanometers in
length. Photodiodes operating with this light source are usually specified at a
peak response of around 900 nanometers.
intensity (optical): The amount of radiant or luminous flux per unit solid angle
that is diverging from a light source.