pressure exerted by the printing plate over the entire surface of the symbol,
and/or to prevent a short scan by the bar code reader.
bi-directional: In two directions - specifically, backwards and forwards.
Denoting that a machine-readable symbol can be read successfully either
backwards or forwards. Denoting a scanner that can operate successfully either
backwards or forwards.
binary: Denoting a numbering system to base 2 in which numbers are
expressed as combinations of the digits 0 and 1, with positional weighting based
on powers of 2. In computing these can be represented electrically by 'off' and
'on' respectively, or in machine-readable symbols by narrow and wide elements
or by the absence or presence of a bar module.
binary symbology: See “two-width symbology.”
Calibration patch / page: See page 8 (QCRF/QCRFPG) and page 17/18.
CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation): The European Union (EU)
organization responsible for the coordination of EU standards. CEN members
are the national bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. www.cenorm.be
character: See “character set,” “data character,” “symbol character,” “human
readable character.”
character set: Those characters available for encodation in a particular
technology. The total range of letters, numbers, and symbols that can be
encoded in a particular machine-readable medium.
check digit; check character: A digit or character calculated from other
characters in a code by means of a defined algorithm and used to check that the
code is correctly composed. See “symbol check character,” “data check
clear area: See “quiet zone.”
Code 39; 3 of 9 Code: A discrete, variable length, bar code symbology
encoding the characters 0 to 9, A to Z, and the additional characters “-” (dash), “.”
(period), Space, “$” (dollar sign), “/” (slash), “+” (plus sign), and “%” (per cent
sign), as well as a special symbology character to denote the start and stop
character, conventionally represented as an “*” (asterisk). Each Code 39
symbol consists of a leading quiet zone, a start symbol pattern, symbol
characters representing data, a stop pattern, and a trailing quiet zone. Each
Code 39 character has three wide elements out of a total of nine elements. Each
symbol consists of a series of symbol characters, each represented by five bars
and four intervening spaces. Characters are separated by an intercharacter gap.
Each element (bar or space) is one of two widths. The values of the “X
dimension” and “N” remain constant throughout the symbol. The particular