Model G0763 (Mfg. Since 8/13)
Installing unapproved accessories may
cause machine to malfunction, resulting in
serious personal injury or machine damage.
To reduce this risk, only install accessories
recommended for this machine by Grizzly.
Refer to our website or latest catalog for
additional recommended accessories.
order online at www.grizzly.com or call 1-800-523-4777
T23964—Armor Plate with Moly-D Multi-
Purpose Grease, 14.5 oz. (NLGI#2 Equivalent)
Armor Plate with Moly-D is a rich green moly
grease that provides excellent stability and unsur-
passed performance under a wide range of tem-
peratures and operating conditions. Armor Plate
grease is entirely unique due to the fact that the
moly in it is solubilized, which provides supe-
rior performance to other greases containing the
black solid form of molybdenum disulfide.
Figure 43. T23964 Armor Plate with Moly-D
Multi-Purpose Grease
Friable Surface Grinding Wheels, Aluminum
Model Size Bore Grit Type
G7433 7" x
⁄2" 1
⁄4" 46 1
G7434 7" x
⁄2" 1
⁄4" 60 1
H5618—Parallels for Magnetic Chuck
Use these parallels on your magnetic chuck for
setups that normally require 1-2-3 blocks. They're
great for trapping parts that are difficult to hold.
Parallels measure 1" x 2" x 4". Sold in pairs.
Figure 44. H5618 Parallels for Magnetic Chuck.
SB1365—South Bend Lathe Way Oil, 12 oz.
T23962—ISO 68 Moly-D Machine/Way Oil 5-gal
T23963—ISO 32 Moly-D Machine Oil 5-gal
Moly-D oils are some of the best we've found for
maintaining the critical components of machinery
because they tend to resist run-off and maintain
their lubricity under a variety of conditions—as
well as reduce chatter or slip. Buy in bulk and
save with 5-gallon quantities.
Figure 42. 12 oz. way oil & 5 gallon machine oil.