Model G0763 (Mfg. Since 8/13)
Wheel Balancing
An unbalanced wheel can result in a damaged
wheel and poor finishes because the edge of the
wheel does not contact the workpiece evenly.
Although the new wheel itself is generally balanced
by the manufacturer, the addition of the sleeve
and flange will require rebalancing. Additionally,
the wheel can become unbalanced with wear.
Correctly balancing the wheel assembly will
require trial-and-error and patience.
Tools Needed Qty
Hex Wrench 3mm .............................................. 1
Pencil or Marker ................................................ 1
Wheel Balancing Arbor ..................................... 1
Wheel Balancing Base ...................................... 1
To balance the grinding wheel assembly:
1. Make sure wheel is clean and dry.
Note: If wheel is wet with coolant, hang it in a
dry location until it is dry (usually overnight).
2. Clean rust and debris from edges of wheel
balancing base (see Figure 30).
4. Attach wheel sleeve and flange to wheel, as
instructed in Mounting/Removing Wheel on
Page 28.
5. Loosen balancing weight set screws, position
weights evenly around wheel sleeve groove,
then retighten set screws (see Figure 31).
3. Using a precision level and leveling bolts,
make sure the edges of the balancing base
are level from front to back and side to side.
6. Using a slightly-oiled lint free cloth, wipe mat-
ing surfaces of balancing arbor and internal
sleeve taper perfectly clean, then push them
together (see Figure 32).
7. Place assembly on balancing base and wait
until wheel rotation comes to a complete
Figure 30. Wheel balancing base.
Leveling Bolt
(1 of 3)
Figure 31. Weights evenly distributed around
wheel sleeve groove.
Balancing Weight
(1 of 3)
Figure 32. Wheel assembly on balancing base.