This can be caused by either of
these reasons:
Not enough water is entering the Unlatch the door. If there is no water in the bottom of the
dishwasher. dishwasher, check the water supply to the dishwasher.
Is the dishwasher water supply turned on?
(Valve usually located under the sink.)
Is the household water supply turned on?
If you use well or cistern water, is the supply adequate?
If the water supply is adequate, try the cycle again. If
repeats, call for service.
The drain pump could be Unlatch the door. If there is standing water in the bottom
temporarily blocked (usually of the dishwasher, relatch the door, touch START, then
caused by food particles such immediately touch RESET to start the pump. If
as cereal). continues to appear, you may need to do this
several times to break up the blockage.
The water temperature in the Avoid showers or laundry just prior to running the
dishwasher did not reach the dishwasher. (Use the DELAY START feature to start
proper wash temperature. This dishwasher when the water heater is up to normal
is usually caused by lack of hot temperature.) Adjust household water heater thermostat
water coming from the household to 120°F. minimum.
water heater.
If appears nearly every cycle and you know the water
from the household water heater is hot (120°F. or more),
call for service.
The temperature sensor in the
The temperature sensor needs to be replaced. Call for service.
dishwasher is not functioning
properly. Dishwasher
NOTE: You may continue to use your dishwasher. For best
continue to be used, but it will results adjust your household water heater thermostat to 140°F.
not heat water automatically.
Before you call for service
• Try the cycle again to see if the Code reappears.
The dishwasher may correct itself.
Sometimes electronic controls can be affected by
outside interference. Shutting off the power to the
(at the fuse or circuit breaker) may correct
the problem. Restore power after about 15 seconds and
try the cycle again.
Check the guide for things you can do to correct the
• See The Problem Solver section.