Y}Ti* tiIe purchase ofyour new GE applimce, receive tie
;J*-SS~II-~Cetiat if you ever need information Or assistance
‘-fYOI~IGE, w~’11
be tiere, Ml you have to do is c~l—toll-~ree!
GE Consumer Service professional
ill provideexpertrepair service,
scheduledata time ti-at’sconvenient
for you.ManyGEConsumerService
company-operated1ocationsoffer you
service todayor tomorrow,or at your
convenience (ZOOa.m. to 700 p.m.
weekdays,9:00a.m.to 2:00p.m.Satur-
days).Our factory-tminedtechnicians
knowyourappliance inside and out—
so most repairs can be handled injust
one visit.
Whatever yourquestion aboutany
informationserviceis availableto
help. Yourcall-and yourquestion—
will be answeredprompdyand
courteouslyAnd you can call any
time. GEAnswerCente@serviceis
open 24 hours a day ‘7daysa week.
Youcan havethe secure
feeling that
GEConsumer Service will still be
there *r yourwarrantyexpires Pur-
chase a GE contractwhile your war-
rantyis still in effect and you’llreceive
a subs~tial discount.
Witha multiple-
serviceat today’sprices.
TelecommunicationDevicefor tie Deti
Upon request, GE will provide Bmflle
contiols for a variety of GE applimces,
and a brochure to =sist in plmning a
barrier-free kitchen for persons witi
limited imohili[y.To obtai~l &ese items,
free of charge, call 800.626.2000.
Consumers with impaired bearing
or speech who have access to a TDD
or a converltional teleu~pewriter mz.y
cdl 8G0-TDD-C”-M.C(800-833-4322)
tc)ret]t~esti~lforlmatiwjlor sel~]ice.