
RefeTtoGarment lwanufaeturers9careLabels
Liquidchlorine type.
Onlynon-chlorinebleach when needed.
Whiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
Non-colorfast, onlynon-chlorinebleach
Whiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
Non-colorfast, onlynon-chlorinebleach
Whiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
Non-colorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
Seldomneeded. If needed. use only
non-chlorine bleach.
No bleach
Whiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
)nly non-chlorine bleach when needed.
/hi[c or colorfi~st,liquid chlorine [ypc,
‘hitcor colorfilst, liquid chlorine [ype.
‘hitcor colorfast. liquid chlorine (ype.
) 1?IC2C11
) 17icach
special Instructions
If colorfast is unusuallysoiled, usehot water, Usedetergentrecommenced onpage 18.
Use detergent recommendedinguideon page 18.
For heavilysoiled loads, use extradetergent andlongerwashtime.
Use detergent recommended in guideon page 18.
For heavilysoiled loads, use extradetergent andlongerwashtime.
If unusuallysoiled, use hot water. Use detergent recommended in guide onpage 18.
For heavyor oily soil, use Spotscrubber Cycle. See page 10.
Syntheticsand blends usually require slightly more detergentthan cottons forcleaning and
to help prevent loosened soil from collecting onthe fabric.
Washorzlyif recommended by the garment manufacturer. Followinstructions carefully.
Washin your washer only if recommended bythe garment manufacturer.
Washfrequently to fluff up the downand retain the garment’s warmth. Washseparately.Wet
downgives off an odor which maybe absorbed byother garments. Odor disappears when
garment isdry. Treat heavilysoiledareas with liquid detergent or paste madeof water and
granular detergent. Close zippers. Wash2 or 3 at a time or add towels to balance.
Youmay prefer to use a mild typedetergent. Do babyclothes separately. Pretreat spots.
Rinse diapers, nightgowns,pads and sheets after use. Keepdiapers in a coveredpail of cold
water and conditioning agent likeBorateem brand.
YOUmayprefer to use a mild type detergent. Do hand-knit garments by handor in Mini-
Basket tub–see page 8.
Fill w~shcr,add detergent, allow to dissolve before adding blanket. Do oneblanket at a time.
Pretreat heavily soiled spots with liquid detergent.
On electric blanket, sew a strong piece of cloth over plug to protect blanket and washer from
damage. Do one blanket at a time. Pretreat heavily soiled spotswith liquid detergent.
Vacuumout loose dirt before washing.
If unusually s(>iled,use Perm Press Cycle.
Washonly 2 or 3 rugs or mats at one time. Shake before washing to removeexcessdirt.
For ncw “indigo blue” je:ins, wash at least 3 times in very small loads with full water fill.
]cans need ample room to moveto avoidwhite lines at creases. May discolor plastic washer
~arts. Subsequent washings will reduce discolorations, but will probably nevereliminate it.
rhc stained parts will no[discolor subsequent washing loads.
l>illo~f’sarc rnadc of different materials-dacron, fiber, foam, polyester, n~turalfeathers and
d(~tvn,Many pi1lowscan bc lnachine w:islled, but ~i~aizufacfurers’care labels Ii7usIbefollo}ved
(ft)<fi(llj: If iw~shingis rccorn:ncnded. check pillows for weak seams or holes and mend to
prl:vcntescape (lf fca[hcrsor filling.
Fill washer. add detergent and agi[ate for several minutes
i!ddtw{)pillows at a time to balance load, use extra large water level.