RefertoGarment Manufacturers’ careLabels
Liquidchlorine type.
Onlynon-chlorine bleach whenneeded.
JVhiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
Non-colorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
\Vhiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
Non-colorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
White or colorfast, Iiquidchlorine type.
Non-colorfast, only non-chlorinebleach
Idom needed. If needed, use only
‘ n-chlorine bleach.
}Vhiteor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
Only non-chlorine bleach when needed,
JVhitcor colorfast, liquid chlorine type.
If colorfast is unusuallysoiled, use hot water. Use maximumdetergentrecommendedin
Detergent Guide. Use Extra Cleaning,Large or Small Settingdependingon loadsize. See
How to Operate YourClothes Washersection. Use Extra Rinse if desired.
Use maximum detergentrecommendedin Detergent guide.
Small loads reduce wrinkling.Use maximum detergentrecommended in DetergentGuide.
Use Extra Cleaning Cycles, See Tipsto Help YouSelect Settings section. Use Extra Rinse
if desired.
If unusually soiled, use hot water. Use maximum detergentrecommended in DetergentGuide,
For heavy or oily soil on sturdy garments, use Extra Cleaning, Large or Small Setting
depending on load size. See How to Operate YourClothes Washersection.
Small loads reduce wrinkling.
Wash oIzlyif recommendedby the garment manufacturer. Follow instructions carefully.
Wash in your washer only if recommended by the garment manufacturer.
Washfrequently to fluff up the downand retain the garment’swarmth. Washseparately.Wet
down gives off an odor which maybe absorbed by other garments. Odor disappears when
garment is dry.Treat heavily soiled areas with liquid detergent or paste made of water and
granular detergent. Close zippers. Wash 2 or 3 at a time or add towels to balance.
Youmay prefer to use a mild type detergent. Do baby clothes separately.Pretreat spots.
Rinse diapers, nightgowns,pads and sheets after use. Keep diapers in a covered pail of cold
water and conditioning agent like Borateem brand.
Youmay prefer to use a mild type detergent. Do hand-knit garments by hand or in Mini-
Basket’”tub. See How to Use Mini-BasketNtub swtion.
Fill washer, add detergent andallow to dissolve before addingblanket. Doone blanket at a time.
Pretreat heavily soiled spots with liquid detergent.
~n electric blanket, sew a strong piece of cloth over plug to protect blanket and washer from
damage. Do one blanket at a time. Pretreat heavily soiled spots with liquiddetergent.
Vacuumout loose dirt before washing.
If unusually soiled, use Normal/Gentle Wash/Spin Speed.
Wash onlv 2 or 3 rugs or mats at onc time. Shake before washin~ to remove excess dirt.
For nc~v“indigo b~eans, wash at least 3 times in very small loads with full water fill.
Je~Ils need ample room to move to avoid white lines at c~eases.May discolor plastic washer
parts. Subsequent washings will reduce discolorations, but will probably never eliminate it.
The stained parts will not discolor subsequent washing loads.
Tumble on FLUFF (No Heat).
—-’ “.x
;()l>lc;lch ! Pillows arc inade of different materials-dacron, fiber, foam, polyester, natural feathers and
“i ‘“d
(Iown.Llany pi]lows can be machine washed, but i?zaizl(factt~rers’care labels )~z1/sIbc,fi)llovi~ed
j [.(]rqt~(lly.If ~vashin: is recommended, check pillows for weak seams or holes and me~~dto
J prcvc~]iescape of fefithersor filling. Fill washer, add detergent and agitate for several rnim.]tes
to diss(>lvedctergerz[.Add ~~,vopillows at a time to balance load. Use exha large water level.