Energy-saving Tips
If your clothes and householditemsdon’t look clean
and fresh after washing$you will probablyre-wash
them.. and that means you’llwaste energy.
Remember to sort your clothescarefully,and load
them properly,selectcorrect cycles, use enough
detergent and choose u water temperaturewarm
eilo~ighto releaseat~dget rid of soil.
~Use Hot Wash—upto 150°F.—OJZa regularbasis
or?lywhen washing heavily soiled articles-such as
work and play clothes.
o Under normal soil conditions,wash in water above
80°F. (27°C.). This generally means using the Warm
Wash temperature setting on your washer—
temperatures approximately90° to 1IO°F.or hand
comfortable. If you notice that soil has accumulated
after several consecutive washings,use Hot Wash
occasionally,if safe for fabrics.
~Always rinse in Cold Water.The temperatureof the
rinse does not affect cleaning.
QTry to wash less often. Save articlesof the same type
of fabric until you have a full load,
~If you must wash smaller loads, adjust the amount of
water. Small loads should have lower water levels.
~Wash in off-peak utility hours. Yourlocal utility can
tell you which are the off-peak hours.
~Use Normal Spin Speed to remove more water and
help lessen drying time. The dryer will remove any
wrinkles caused by the Normal Spin.
@Use you Mini-Basket”’tub for very small loads. It
uses less water than the small water level in the big
tub on this washer. Youwill also save on detergent
and energy.
Ho%vto usetheBIeachDispenser
~Use this dispenser
LARGE WATERLEVEL—1 %cup(310 ml) liqui
with liquid bleach only.
SMALL WATERLEVEL—2/3 cup (170 ml) liquid
If you prefer to use
powdered bleach, pour
MINI-13.4SKET tub-1/4 cup (60 ml) liquid
it into the wash basket ~Pour measured amount of liquid bleach directly into
along with your bleach dispenser.
detergent. Do not pour
oDo not Overfil! or allow dispenser to overflow,
powdered bleach into
Avoid splashing. Undiluted bleach can cause fabric
the bleach dispenser.
@Measure bleach careful1y. Here are some
~Never pour undiluted liquid bleach directly onto
recommended amounts:
clothes or into the wash basliet or Mini”Basket tube
How’to usetheFabricsoftenerDispenser
~Position the ~~bric
~Do not stop the washer during the first spin. This
Softener Dispenser on
will cause the dispenser to empty too soon.
the Fiiter-Flo pan.
When using Fabric Softener Dispenser with the Nlini- ~..
@Pour manu~dcturer’s
Basket tub, use one (1) teaspoon (5 ml) of
recommended amount
concentrated softener or one (1) tablespoon (15 ml) of \,,
of fabric softener into
diluted softener.
a standard measuring
e Do not use the Fabric Softener DispenseY VJithtl~e
soak Cyclee
oA.d.dcnoi~gilwater to
QIf the rinse dispenser gets clogged, soak it in a .-’;-’J
fi]~the ~Up1/2 fu~].
solution of 1 cup water and 1 ct~p.alcol~ol.
~Po~Jrtile diluted st]ftener iilio tht dispel?se.r.
,: ;-’,
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