Thegasketis designedwithagapat the
bottomto allowfor properaircirculation.
Donotrubor cleanthedoorgasket--
ithasan extremelylow resistanceto
If younoticethegasketbecomingworn,
frayedor damagedinanywayor ifit has
Cleaning the Oven Door
Toclean the inside of the door:
Because tile area inside tile gasket is
cleaned during tile self:clean cycle, you
do not need to clean this by hand.
The area outside the gasket and
the door liner can be cleaned with a
soap-filled steel-wool or plastic pad,
hot water and detergent. Rinse well
with a vinegar and water solution.
Toclean the outside of the door:
Use soap and water to thoroughly
clean tile top, sides and front of tile
oven doo_: Rinse well. Y)u may also
use a glass cleaner to clean tile glass
on tile outside ot tile do(>): Do not let
water drip illto tile vellt openings.
If anv stain on tile door vent trim is
persistent, use a soft abrasive cleaner
and a sponge-scrubber lot best results.
Spillage el marinades, fl'uitjuices,
tomato sauces and basting materials
containing acids may cause
discoloration and should be wiped
up immediately. _,_]/en smti_ce is cool,
clean and rinse.
Do not use oven cleane_, cleaning
powders or hm_h abrasives on tile
outside of tile door.
Lift-Off Oven Door
Puffh&gelocksdownto unlock
The door is very heavy. Be careful when
removing mid lifting the door.
Donot hfi thedoorbythe handle.
Toremove the door.
[] Full} open tile dora:
[] Pull tile hinge locks down toward
tile door fl'ame, to tile mdocked
position. A tool, such as a small fiat-
blade screwdriver, may be required.
[] Fimflv,_(,ras,)._both sides of tile door
at tile top.
[] Close door to tile door remowfl
position, which is half_vax between
the broil stop position and fiflly
[] I,ifl door up and out tmfil tile hinge
am] is clear of tile slot.
Toreplace the door:
[] Fimflx,_oras,)._ both sides (If tile door
at tile top.
X4ith tile _ z )
bottom I I I I I Hinge arm
dooratthe edgeIllk\ ,/i
, .me..gle o,,i0, I\N%d
t,27),,,:7, N!
p.,., ,e. theII
indentationof II
Ip" 0,t0t,00
edge of tile hinge slot. Tile notch in
tile hin<,e am_ must be flfllv seated
into tile bottom of tile slot.
Full} open tile dora: If tile door will
not flfll} open, tile indentation is
not seated correctly in tile bottom
edge of tile slot.
Push the hinge locks up against tile
front frame of tile oxen cavil}; to tile
locked position.
Push hinge locks up to lock
[] Close tile oven doo_:
Press down and pull out.
Toremove the oven floor."
[] Remo_e tile o_en door using tile
instructions in tile Li#-OffOven Door
[] Press down and pull ()tit tile
i'elllOX ible oxell floor.
V_ Clean tile oven floor xfith wmm
soapy water:
[] X&q/en reinstalling tile oven flo(m be
sure to slide it all the way to the back
of tile o_, ell.
IMPORTANT'.Mways replace tile 23
removable floor befiwe tile next use.