The oven door must be closed and all controls must be set correctly for the cycle to work properly.
How to Delay the Start of Cleaning
[] Press tile SELFCLEAN STD/LOW pad
once tk)I" a 4-hotly clean tixlle oF
twice fin" a 3-hour clean time.
A B-hour self:clean dine is
I'eCoIllI/] en(led tk)i"/ise when
cleaning small, contained spills, A
self clean time of 4 l/om_ or hmger
is recommended fin" a dirtier oxen.
V_] Ifa time other than 4 hom_ or
3 houI_ is needed, use tile nunlber
pads and enter the desired clean
Y_m can change tile clean time to any
tllne" between .3 houi_ and 5 houI_,
del)ending, on how (li_t))our oxen is.
[] Press tile DELAYSTARTpad.
[] ILrsing the number pads, enter the
time of dax you want the clean cycle
to stnrt.
Tile door locks automadcall): Tile display
will show the start time, It will not be
possible to open tile oven door/mtil
the temperature drops below the lock
temperature and tile LOCKEDlight
goes off.
When tile LOCKEDlight goes off; you will
be able to open tile dora:
delaydeaninbothovensat thesamet/kne.
Torecaii thestart time of thesecondoven set,
pressthe DEL4V STARTpad on thecontrols for
[] Press tile STARTpad.
After a Clean Cycle
You may notice some white ash in tile
oven. Wipe it up with a damp ch)th alter
tile oven cools.
If whitespotsremain,removethemwitha
witha w#egarandwatermixture.
These deposits are tlS/lallv a salt residue
that cannot be removed by tile dean
If tile oven is not clean alter one clean
cycle, repeat the cycle.
Y_)u cmmot set tile oven fin" cooking
tmfil tile oxen is cool enough for tile
door to unh)ck.
X_]/ile tile oven is self=cleaning, you
can press the CLOCKpad to display
tile time of day. To return to tile
clean cotmtdown, press tile SELF
If tile shelves become hard to slide, wipe
tile shelf SUl)l)O_tswith cooking oil.