Page 4
Operating your Tube Tape Echo
WARNING! Always unplug the guitar cable from the Main Output when not in use!
Not doing so for an extended time period may cause the pinch roller to go out-of-round making the
tape transport unstable, the repeats out of tune, and may void warranty service claims relating to
this issue.
WARNING! This unit operates at High-Voltages and, if misused, could cause serious injury or
death. Care must be used at all times to ensure your safety and you should never remove the
chassis from its wooden enclosure while it is plugged in! Your TTE should only be serviced by
or by a qualified Tech, with our permission only.
Initial Set-Up
Refer to Diagrams on Pages 2 and 3
1) Remove the Top Cover Plate (#32) by unscrewing the 2 thumbscrews (items # 32) and
sliding the plate carefully off to the left side of the TTE.
2) Make sure that the Thumbscrews for the Echo Tape cartridge (ETC-1) are secure (#30)
and that the tape is following the correct path (see Tape Path diagram, Page 3) Make sure
that the tape is not too loose, knotted up, or has not slipped away from any of the Tape
Guides (#24 and #19) Make sure that it is seated properly on the Corner Roller (#25),
resting under the Tape Felt (#26), and Tape Felt Tension Arm. (#27) Now check that the
tape is resting between the Capstan and Pinch-roller (#16 and #17)
3) Insert the detachable AC cable (#34) in to the TTE AC Inlet (#33) and connect other end
to a 3-prong 120-volt wall outlet. Make sure to use the same outlet as your guitar amplifier
to avoid possible grounding issues.
4) Turn on the Main Power Switch (#35) and allow unit to run for about a minute, this lets
the Tubes warm up.
5) Plug your guitar cable into the Input Jack. (#1)
6) Slide the Transport Clutch lever (#13) to the right…this starts the Tape Rolling. Hold it
there and insert another guitar cable into the Main Output jack (#12). This cable holds the
Transport Clutch Lever in place and keeps the Tape running while you’re using the TTE.
Tip: Let the Tape Cartridge (ETC-1) run for a while and it will stabilize. When first turned
on, the ETC-1’s windings may be uneven and can cause the notes to seem out-of-tune.
Allowing the ETC-1 to spin for a minute or so evens out the Tape windings so that it rolls
smoothly and stays that way for the remainder of your session.
7) Now connect the other end of the guitar cable to your amplifier.
8) Turn on your amp and you’re ready to make a few setting adjustments and play your TTE!