Page 11
Tape, Tape Heads, and Transport (Continued)
Refer to diagrams on Pages 2,3, 8 and 9
With the TTE is turned on, dab some S-721H-2 on a Q-Tip, engage the Transport Clutch and press
the swab up against the roller with pressure being careful not to get the swab caught in between
the Pinch-Roller and the Capstan (#16).
Repeat process until swab stays appears fairly clean and is relatively free from brown color. Now
clean the Capstan in a similar manner.
Demagnetizing Heads:
Once every couple of months it’s not a bad idea to demagnetize the recording heads using a low
powered demagnetizer such as the $19.95 cost item# FTNACHDDG sold by
Follow the instructions included with the demagnetizer, and always make sure that there is no
audio recording tape within 10 feet of this thing when it’s on, and this includes the TTE’s ETC-1
The following procedures require that the Chassis be removed from the cabinet. (Refer to
the diagram at the top of Page 8) Remove the 4 Chassis screws and the 2 Bottom cabinet
screws, but not until after you read the following!
WARNING! Turn off and unplug the removable AC Cable from the TTE before disassembling your
TTE. This unit contains High Voltages that may cause injury if you touch the wrong thing, so use
caution or don’t attempt unless you know what you’re doing!
Playback Headmount Adjustment:
(Refer to Diagram on Page 8)
The Playback Headmount must glide freely along the chassis yet be tight enough to not be pushed
out of desired position by the moving Tape. This balance is achieved by a combination of grease
and the proper tension applied by the two locknuts, which are accessed underneath the rear of the
chassis. You shouldn’t have to adjust this, but should you need to, use Lithium grease and be sure
not to get any on the Tape, Heads, or any other part of the Transport! Feel free to contact us for
guidance if need be.
High and Low Speed Trimmers:
See page 9, Motor Assembly Diagram
Trimmer 1 is for High Motor Speed fine adjustment
Trimmer 2 is for Low Motor Speed fine adjustment
There’s no need to mess with these, but we’ve marked “factory settings” just in case you do and
want to go back to our settings later. Caution: setting the Low speed trimmer too slow can cause
the transport to become unstable and may cause the motor to emit a strange whining noise.