
C141-E124-01EN 1 - 13
1.3.3 Disconnect/reconnect processing
When processing is performed by the TARG during the command execution process which does
not require operation on the SCSI bus, the TARG can return the SCSI bus to the BUS FREE phase
temporarily by disconnect processing and execute command internally. Through this function, the
INIT is enabled to process multiple commands on the SCSI bus.
(1) Disconnect permission conditions and commands with executing disconnect process
If all of the conditions shown below for permitting a disconnect are satisfied, the IDD executes
disconnect processing. However, As shown in Table 1.2, disconnect processing may be valid or
invalid, and the disconnect processing execution timing may differ, depending on the type of
Conditions for Permitting a Disconnect
1) The SCSI ID of the INIT is notified in the SELECTION phase.
2) The INIT generates the ATTENTION condition in the SELECTION phase.
3) The INIT notifies the TARG that disconnect processing is permitted by an IDENTIFY