
C141-E124-01EN3 - 92
x STPF (stop format): Default value: “1”
When the defect list (P List or G List) necessary for executing the defect processing
specified in this command, cannot be read from the disk media, this bit indicates whether
to continue (“0” is specified) or terminate (“1” is specified) command processing, but in
the IDD, this bit’s specification is disabled, and the specified value is disregarded. When
the necessary defect list cannot be read, this command is terminated with a CHECK
CONDITION status. The sense data at this time indicate “MEDIUM ERROR [=3] /
Primary defect list not found [=1C-01]” or “MEDIUM ERROR [=3] / Defect list error in
primary list [=19-02],” if the P List cannot be read and “MEDIUM ERROR [=3] / Grown
defect list not found [=1C-02]” or “MEDIUM ERROR [=3] / Defect list error in grown
list [=19-03],” if the G List cannot be read.
x Immed (Immediate)
“1” : If “1” is specified in the Immed (immediate) bit, at the point when the CDB’s
legality is confirmed, or at the point when transfer of the defect list is completed, a
“GOOD” status is reported.
“0” : If “0” is specified in the Immed (immediate) bit, the specified operation is executed
and the status byte is reported at the point when that operation is completed, then
the command is terminated.
x Defect list length
This field specifies the total number of bytes in the “Defect list” transferred from the INIT
following the header. The byte length of the “Defect descriptor” which configures the
defect list differs depending on its format and the value specified by this field must be a
multiple of 4 when the defect descriptor is in the block address format, and must be a
multiple of 8 when the defect descriptor is in the byte distance from the index format or
the physical sector address format. When zero is specified in this field, it indicates that
the defect list is not transferred.
The disk media defect processing method implemented during FORMAT UNIT
command execution is specified by the CDB and by header of the format parameters
transferred from the INIT. By specifying zero in the “Defect list length” field in the
Format parameter header, the INIT can specify the control flags related to formatting
processing without transferring the defect list (D List).
b. Defect list (D List)
The defect list (D List) contains defect position information about the disk media specified by
the INIT and is configured from one or more “Defect descriptors.” “Defect descriptors must
be described in the format specified in the “Defect List Format” field of the CDB.
The configurations which it is possible to specify for the “Defect descriptors” in the defect list
(D List), and their description formats, are shown below. Furthermore, it is possible only to
specify User Space and CE Space address information on the disk media in the Defect list (D