Digitizer Specifications 40
Digitizer Specifications 5
The Stylistic 3500 pen tablet digitizer consists of the pen, a sensor grid, and supporting controller
circuitry. The sensor grid is built into the pen tablet in front of the display screen and detects pen
Technology Notice 5
The display for your pen tablet incorporates a breakthrough digitizer technology that dramatically
improves outdoor viewability. Compared to traditional outdoor displays, the new display excels in
providing superior visibility in full sunlight, and a clear, bright picture indoors, in low light conditions, or
at night.
This new technology involves the use of a liquid between the digitizer layers to minimize light refraction
and reduce glare. As a result of this technology, users may notice the appearance of tiny air bubbles
which are caused by changes in atmospheric pressure (such as that experienced in an airplane). These
tiny bubbles are temporary and do not affect system performance or usability. The digitizer still functions
normally when the air bubbles are present.
The air bubbles are formed when the liquid vaporizes due to pressure change. When the pen tablet is
returned to normal use conditions, the tiny air bubbles are absorbed back into the liquid after a short
amount of time.
If these air bubbles are visually distracting, or if they form a larger bubble, gently rub the screen with a
soft cotton cloth in a circular motion, similar to cleaning the screen of fingerprint oil.
Table 5-4. Digitizer Specifications
Feature Specification Comments
Type Pressure-sensitive Resistive digitizer
Active Area 213.2 mm x 160.4 mm Area of display screen that reacts with the pen.
Resolution 0.1 mm
Maximum Sampling Rate 100 points per second
Interface Serial interface
Pen Switches None Pen buttons can be emulated with use of
right-mouse button hotpad.