BIOS Setup 23
Advanced Features Options Submenu 3
Options for the Advanced Features Options submenu are described in Table 3-15.
Table 3-15. BIOS Advanced Features Options Submenu
Option Settings Description
Suspend/Resume Switch Disabled
Determines whether the Suspend/Resume switch is
enabled or disabled. Note that when this option is in
Disabled mode, the switch will still resume from an
auto-suspended state.
Resume On LAN Off
Selecting [On] allows the system to wake up when
the internal LAN device receives a Magic Packet
while in Suspend Mode.
Serial Mouse Activity Disabled
Determines whether the video system resumes
when external serial activity is detected.
Select Enabled to resume video system operation
when a connected serial device (such as a serial
mouse) is active.
Thermal Control Maximum Power Savings
Maximum Performance
This selection determines the method of thermal
control used by the system.
Select [Maximum Power Savings] to use CPU
slowdown as the primary cooling method.
Select [Maximum Performance] to use the fan as the
primary cooling method.
Note that - if the temperature is too high - both
systems may be used to cool it down.