If you have problems determining the revision of your
notetaker, enter P-CHORD followed by the letter R from any
file. With the disk drive, the revision date can be found at the
end of a directory listing.
To use this command, enter S-CHORD followed by the letter
Y. You will hear the message "disk drive, enter S to send or R
to receive." Enter S to send. Now you will be in a file list. This
is a list of all files in your Braille 'n Speak. You must "mark" the
file or files you want to send. Use DOT 1 CHORD and DOT 4
CHORD to move up and down the list of files. You may, for
example, hear "calendar is not marked." This means that your
file called “calendar" is not marked which means that it will not
be sent. To mark the file you are pointing to, enter Y for yes.
You will then hear "calendar is marked." Mark each file you
want to send. Now enter E-CHORD and the files, which you
marked, will be sent to the disk drive.
Here are some other ways to mark or unmark files. The letter
N will unmark the file you are pointing to. The SPACEBAR will
toggle the file you are pointing to from being either marked or
unmarked. The letter M will mark all files in your notetaker.
The letter U will unmark all of the files. M-CHORD will allow
you to mark a group of files. For example, to mark all files with
a .txt extension to be sent, enter M-CHORD followed by star
(DOTS 1-6) followed by .txt. Now enter E-CHORD. U-CHORD
can unmark a file or group of files in the same way that M-
CHORD marks them. Entering Y-CHORD will mark the file you
are pointing to and will then move you to the next file in the file
list. After entering S-CHORD, Y you can enter S-CHORD
instead of S, which will allow you to hear the names of the files
as they are being sent to the disk drive. When sending files
with the block transfer command, whether you use S or S-
CHORD, the files do not get sent formatted or translated.
14 Part # 440057-001 Rev. A