This operating guide contains information on all of the oscilloscope’s features. It
starts with a general introduction, a summary of main capabilities, initial
inspection note and a front and rear view.
Operators safety Chapter 1 should be read before unpacking,
installing, and operating the instrument.
Installation instructions Chapter 2 describes grounding, line cord, fuses,
and backup batteries.
Getting started Chapter 3 provides a 10-minute tutorial intended
for those who are not familiar with Fluke
How to use more advanced Chapter 4 provides the more experienced user
functions of the instrument with a detailed explanation of the major functions
of the oscilloscope.
Function reference Chapter 5 contains an alphabetized description of
each function. Each description includes an
explanation of local and remote control functions.
CPL protocol Chapter 6 provides the CPL commands with an
example of each.
Function index The Function Index lists all implemented
functions in alphabetical order.
Index The overall index contains all function names
and reference words in alphabetical order. It
includes the relevant chapter and page number
where more detailed information can be found.
Menu structures
RS-232 Cable configurations