Examples: (of user text)
1) Program the following user text to be displayed on the screen of the
oscilloscope: Measurement 15
100 PRINT #1,"PT" :’Program user Text command
110 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge
120 PRINT #1,"Measurement 15":’Send user text
130 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge
2) In the next example user text, containing non-keyboard characters (Ω=25
decimal and s =125 decimal), is programmed to be displayed on the screen
of the oscilloscope, e.g.: Ohm(Ω),Up(s).
100 PRINT #1,"PT" :’Program user Text command
110 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge
120 PRINT #1,"Ohm(";CHR$(25);"),Up(";CHR$(125);")."
:’Send user text
130 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge
Example: (of setup text)
Program the following text to set up register 7 of the oscilloscope:
1.25 kΩ (CH1)
100 PRINT #1,"SS 7" :’Save Setup command
110 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge
120 PRINT #1,"PT S 7" :’Program setup Text command
130 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge
140 PRINT #1,"1.25 k";CHR$(25);" (CH1)"
:’Send setup text
150 GOSUB 1000 :’Sync on acknowledge