
Using the Computer Interface
Computer Interface Command Set
Table 4-8. Command and Query Reference (cont)
*SRE Service Request Enable
Sets the Service Request Enable Register to the given value.
*SRE <value>
<value> = (0 .. 255)
If the value is greater than 255, a Command Error is generated. The
value of bit 6 is ignored, since it is not used by the Service Request
Enable Register.
*SRE? Service Request Enable Query
Returns the integer value of the Service Request Enable Register, with
bit 6 set to 0.
*STB? Read Status Byte Query
Returns the integer value of the Status Byte, with bit 6 as the master
summary bit. Note that a serial poll returns bit 6 as the RQS message.
*TRG Trigger
When parsed, this command causes the instrument to request a Single
Scan. If a scan is already in progress when this command is parsed, an
additional scan is not executed.
*TST? Self Test Query
Causes an internal self test to be run, returning the result as an integer
(representing the binary encoded value.) The self test does not require
any local operator interaction and returns the instrument to the power-up
state. The binary coding is:
Bit Binary Value Error
0 1 ROM test failed (bad CRS)
1 2 External RAM test failed
2 4 Internal RAM test failed
3 8 Display selft test failed
4 16 Display bad or not installed
5 32 Instrument configuration corrupted.
6 64 EEPROM instrument configuration bad
7 128 EEPROM calibration data bad
8 256 A/D bad or not installed
9 512 A/D ROM test failed
10 1024 A/D RAM test failed
11 2048 A/D self test failed
12 4096 Memory RAM test failed (2625A only).
*WAI Wait-to-continue
This command is accepted by Hydra, but has no effect. *WAI is required
by the IEEE-488.2 standard, but is non-operational in Hydra.