Users Manual
this example, "OFF" is lit if you’re working with channel 0, and have already
performed the Configuration Reset).
3. Press G, D to cycle through the choices for measurement function. For now, select
"V AC", to set up the channel for AC voltage measurements.
4. Press E to confirm your choice. The instrument then offers a choice of
measurement ranges for this function, starting with "Auto" for autoranging.
5. Press G, D to cycle through the choices for range. Select the 300v range. (300v is
available only on channels 0, 1 and 11.)
6. Press E to confirm your choice.
This completes setting up channel 0 to measure AC voltage. The instrument returns to
Inactive Mode, and the new setup for channel 0 is shown dimly on the display.
The sequence for setting up a channel to measure DC Voltage, Frequency or Resistance
is very similar:
1. Press G, D to select a channel to set up.
2. Press F to access the function setup menu.
3. Press G, D to cycle through the choices for measurement function, then press
4. Press G, D to cycle through the choices for range, then press E. This
completes the setup for the channel and the instrument returns to Inactive Mode.
When you set up a channel to measure resistance, the instrument also lets you choose 2-
Terminal or 4-Terminal measurements ("2T" or "4T") before returning to Inactive Mode.
Note that 4-Terminal measurements are supported only on channels 1 - 10.
The sequence for setting up a channel to measure temperature is similar:
1. Press G, D to select a channel to set up.
2. Press F to access the function setup menu.
3. Press G, D to select "°C" from the list of measurement functions, then press E.
(Chapter 3 of the manual explains how to change temperature measurement units.)
4. The instrument then offers a choice of 9 different thermocouple types, as well as
"Pt" for platinum RTD’s.
Press G, D to select a thermocouple type, then press E. This completes the setup
for the channel and the instrument returns to Inactive Mode.
When setting up a channel to measure RTD’s, the instrument also prompts for 2-
Terminal vs 4-Terminal measurements, and then allows you to specify a value for R0.
(Note that Channel 0 cannot be set up to measure thermocouples or 4-Terminal RTD’s.)
Subsequent sections of the manual explain how to set up alarm values and Mx+B linear
scaling for each channel.
Selecting the Scan Data Destination
The 2620A will always send the scan data to the RS-232 printer port, following each
scan. The 2625A can be configured to send the scan data to the RS-232 printer port, or to
the internal Memory Storage, or to both simultaneously. Begin this procedure by
selecting MODE (shift print). Select the scan data destination (“dESt” in the right
display) as “Print” (left display) to send the data to the RS-232 port, as “StoreE” to send
the data to Memory Storage, or as “both” for simultaneous storage and printing. Then