
Defining the System
Upon completion of the dispense cycle, fluid oozing out of the
dispense tip is a common problem when dispensing compressible
fluids. The Drawback parameter eliminates any oozing by
implementing a mechanically reversed action at the end of the
dispense cycle. Because the system is intelligent, it knows the
distance traveled forward and the distance traveled back.
Therefore, on the next dispense cycle, the system will add the
distance traveled back to the forward motion, guaranteeing a
positive displaced dispense every time.
Drawback Delay:
This parameter is most useful when potting or beading with a
compressible fluid. A delay (in seconds) is applied between the
end of the forward motion and the start of the reverse motion
when drawback steps are programmed. This allows the entire
programmed shot to dispense prior to the reverse motion.
Utility 2: Save/Restore Manager
The Save/Restore Manager has three adjustable parameters:
• Save your program to ten locations
• Recall your program from ten locations
• Set a program as the default on start up.
The Save/Restore Manager allows you to save and recall up to ten
different programs, eliminating setup time when changing dispense
volumes. Also, you may specify one program as the default
program meaning this program will automatically load when the
controller is turned on. This is useful when multiple LDS9000 are
used on a production line. You are assured all systems will start
with the same program.
Example: The system
converts dispense
volume to motor
steps. Assume .02cc
equals 20 steps. The
following is what
happens when 10
steps of reverse
motion is added.