Aura Capabilities
What does it do?
The Aura is the logical extension of Fishman’s Blender
technology. With a traditional Blender, we combine the utilitarian
function of a pickup with the unquestionable realism that only a
microphone can add. This combination produces a whole that is
much greater than the sum of the parts.
The Aura Acoustic Imaging Blender takes the concept a giant
leap forward by eliminating onboard microphones from the
equation and replacing them with digital Sound Images derived
from a real studio environment.
What you can expect from the Aura?
Sound Imaging bridges the credibility gap between unamplified
and amplified acoustic guitar sound. Unlike modeling, which
takes a generic signal and applies a specific coloration, Sound
Imaging matches the specific sound of an acoustic guitar with a
specific Sound Image. Modeling is simulation, whereas Sound
Imaging is re-creation. Don’t expect a catalog of different guitars
at your fingertips; that is not what the Aura is intended for.
Expect the Aura to amplify your instrument's most natural
sound with incredible accuracy.
Size Matters
There are good reasons why acoustic guitarists gravitate toward
one body style or another. Strummers often go for the big,
boomy rhythm that only a dreadnought can produce.
Fingerstylists tend to favor smaller instruments, like the grand
concert for its tonal balance and quick, feather-touch response.
People looking for the best of both often play grand auditorium
instruments. Because Aura is about re-creating an instrument’s
individual character, it is important to match your guitar with a
Sound Image based on a similar sized guitar and pickup type.
What Happens If I Mix and Match
Sound Images?
We're not telling you that you can’t try transforming your old
Silvertone into a D-45 sound image, but don't expect miracles.
The resonance and tonal balance of one type of guitar could be
at odds with a dissimilar sound image. The nature of your
particular guitar and the interactive nature of the Sound Image
may clash, so proceed with caution. In the best cases, an
acoustically neutral sounding instrument can “put on” some of
the resonant characteristics of a dissimilar Sound Image, but we
can’t guarantee your results.
Acoustic Imaging Blender