AST Technology
An acronym for Acoustic Spectrum Transform, the trademark for Akai Professional’s digital technology that makes digital Sound Imaging
A digital Sound Image added to a pickup signal.
Data Knob
Turn this knob to modify the Data currently shown in the LED display.
Edit Mode
The state in which the Aura’s eleven Parameters are accessible for building sound image/pickup mixes. Also the state in which the
Feedback Cancel feature can be preset for later recall.
Resets your Aura to its factory default settings.
An acronym for Musical Instrument Digital Interface; used to transfer downloaded Sound Image data between your home computer and
the Aura.
Mix or Sound Image / Pickup Mix
The blended combination of a Sound Image and a pickup signal, created by manipulating parameters in Edit Mode, and stored in a
program location in Play Mode.
Notch Filter
The proper name for the Feedback Cancel function. When the Feedback Cancel circuit identifies the resonant frequency of feedback, it
sharply attenuates that frequency in a way that graphically resembles a notch, hence the name.
The character attributes of the various Aura functions that can be adjusted.
Play Mode
The state in which the Aura’s 50 program locations (and their related mixes) are accessible.
Also the state in which the onboard tuner is accessible.
Program or Program Location
The 50 numbered slots in Play Mode to which sound image/pickup mixes are assigned.
Select (Parameter knob)
Select allows you to choose any of the 16 Sound Images available in the Aura.
Sound Image (or Digital Sound Image)
A sophisticated algorithm that transforms the response of a pickup into that of a microphone in front of a guitar (or other string
instrument). A Sound Image is constructed from actual recordings of actual instruments. To transform your instrument’s pickup signal,
this algorithm seamlessly adjusts the pickup signal’s phase and frequency response to match the selected Sound Image template. Also,
signature elements like body size, radiant sound from the guitar, body resonance, mic distance and microphone personality are all added
to the equation - providing amplified acoustic guitar sound with indisputable realism.
Appendix B
Acoustic Imaging Blender