
305 remote dispensers and tank top pumps must be installed
in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Automo-
tive and Marine Service Station Code, NFPA No. 30A, and the
National Electrical Code, NFPA No. 70. They are designed for
use either inside of outside of buildings subject to the accep-
tance of inspection authorities having jurisdiction at points of
Mechanical Installation
1. Mount pump securely on top of tank (see pump mounting
instructions included with pump).
2. Refer to mounting plate tank mounting diagram, if appli-
cable, and install mounting plate to tank (position plate for
desired dispenser height and to allow for most direct piping
from pump to dispenser).
3. Place dispenser on mounting plate. NOTE: The screw heads
will protrude through the mounting plate clearance holes.
Remove four 1/2" hex head screws at dispenser inlet one or
two at a time to prevent movement of internal components
of dispenser. Place 5/16" or larger flat washer on screw and
4. Carefully measure and install piping between pump with
union located at pump. Pipe is not intended to support pump
or dispenser in any manner.
Electrical Installation
Refer to installation and wiring diagrams for pump and
dispenser conduit connection locations and wiring method.
1. Remove dispenser cabinet top and junction box cover (see
ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY section in this manual).
2. If using conduit opening on left end of junction box, remove
plug and install a 3/4" x 1/2" conduit reducer bushing and a
1/2" short conduit elbow. Elbow should line up with hole in
dispenser base. Run rigid conduit from pump motor junction
box to opening in base. Suggest using 1/2" expansion unions
for ease of assembly.
3. Run 1/2" rigid conduit from power source to remaining
opening in base.
4. With power turned off, connect pump wires and power wires
to line switch leads per wiring diagram. Connect ground
wires to ground screws in junction boxes and to ground
1. After hose, nozzle, filter, etc. have been installed, hold nozzle
open into tank opening or container and turn on switch
handle. Allow pump to prime and evacuate air from system.
2. Reset meter to zero.
3. To check meter calibration, insert nozzle into container of
known volume and fill. If calibration is required, do so before
replacing cabinet top.
Locking Mechanism
Models with universal nozzle boots:
The nozzle retainer is designed to accept a padlock for
locking the nozzle in place when the device is not in use.
Padlock not supplied.
Models with standard nozzle boots:
The handle stop is provided with an elongated hole to
accept a padlock for locking the nozzle in place when the
device is not in use. A padlock with a minimum shackle
height of 2" and a maximum height of 3" is required. Padlock
is not supplied.
The Fill-Rite Series 900 Meter used inside the 305 pumping
system is calibrated at the factory for metering gasoline in
either U.S. gallons or liters, depending on the model. Calibra-
tion is recommended upon initial use, and required after
disassembly, when metering a different fluid, or after signifi-
cant wear. Calibration must be done between 6 and 40 GPM.
Meter calibration can be easily changed by following the
calibration procedure listed below. A proving container or a
container of KNOWN volume will be needed for the calibration
procedure. The containers volume should be at least five
times larger than the unit of calibration. For example, a five
gallon container should be used when calibrating for gallons.
Procedure for Calibration:
1. Fill container to a known volume.
2. If meter amount is incorrect, turn calibration screw (item 37)
counterclockwise for more liquid or clockwise for less liquid.
3. Repeat step 1 and 2 until calibration is acceptable.